Thursday, November 6, 2008

Moving On

Well...Here we are again....

With the Election behind us and Prop 8 being passed it is time to move on to other things. All eyes are on San Francisco right now, wondering if the Representives for No on Prop 8 are going to get our votes overturned. But, that is an issue for another day. We will worry about that when the time comes. Apperently, the measure has until Dec. 31, 2008 before it becomes official, anyway.

Now on to other things.

I just read two very good novels recently. James Patterson's Jack and Jill and Steven King's Doloros Claibourne.

I like James Patterson, but I don't read his books very often. This book is a great read. It's another Detective, Dr. Alex Cross novel. In this book there is two strings of murders that Detective Cross has to investigate. One set of murders happens on Capital Hill in Washington, DC. The other set of murders happen in a second class neighborhood down the street from Cross home. All eyes are on Capital Hill, wondering when the next celebrity will be bruatally murdered. Very few people care about the young kids also being brutally murdered in the back streets of Washington, DC.

The second novel is Steven King's Doloros Claibourne. Now, I'm not a Steven King fan. Never have been. But, I have to say, this book was another good read. I'm looking forward to reading another one of his novels, Gerold's Game. Doloros Claibourne is about a young woman raised on an island near Maine. In a time where "home correction" was allowed. A time when a man could discpline his wife and get away with it. You have to read the novel to see how Doloros overcame he many obstacles, trials and tribulations that were put into her path. She's a smart, down to earth woman. She's got a good, strong head on her shoulders. And she finds a freind in a place she would have never thought would be.

If you haven't already read this book, do so. It's a good read. And if your a Steven King fan it's a plus. I found both of these novels at my local grocery store. I also frequent a used book store in my neighborhood.

Well, that's about it for today. Enjoy and have a great day. I will see you tomorrow and look forward to seeing what you have written, also.

Now, here's the question for the day.

What is your all time favorite novel? Romance? Action? Fiction? Sci-fi? Or do you like to mix it up? Tell me. Leave your comments and your ideas. Before you go, check out my other blog The Dark Wolf at

See you soon.

Laree D.


Anonymous said...

i like the works of Paulo Coelho and Mitch Albom. :) and NICHOLAS SPARKS! :)..

Anonymous said...

isn't it dolores claiborne by stephen king?

i am currently reading stephen king's rose madder, and i pretty much enjoy it.

my 'most' favorite are intellectual novels, something intriguing, eccentric. i'm not sure if i'll enjoy an "action-packed" novel, coz i guess it's much better in movies. i like classical romance as in pride and prejudice, and also children's books by roald dahl, and pre-teen/teen books by francine pascal. sweet valley twins to be exact.. :D

well, i get attached to every book i read, so there's still a plenty aside from that. and i'm always reading and reading so its quite expectable that i have many favorite books... (even though i can't recall them all right off)